Links da Semana 02 - 23/05/2022 a 27/05/2022
- Nginx - Announcing Version 1.0.0 - Nginx Modern Apps Reference Architecture
- Modern Data Platform - How to build one? - Anil Madan
- Performing Data Validation at Scale with Soda Core - Mahdi Karabiben
- Managed Kafka services: Which is right for you? - Bilgin Ibryam
- Understanding 8 types of Cross-Validation - Satyam Kumar
Posts no Linkedin
- Você já se deparou com aquele desenvolvedor que sempre escolhe as mesmas tecnologias em todos os system designs? - Douglas Rocha
- My favorite resources to keep improving yourself as a Data Engineer in 2022? - Marcos Ortiz Valmaseda
- Boas práticas de SQL - Rodrigo Santana Ferreira
- Now anyone can learn AWS skills and earn AWS digital badges for FREE! - Viktoria Semaan
- k0kubun/sqldef - The easiest idempotent MySQL/PostgreSQL/SQLite3/SQL Server schema management by SQL
- Este projeto eu achei muito interessante, muito legal o conceito de idepotencia na evolução do schema do seu banco.
- madhuakula/kubernetes-goat - The Kubernetes Goat is designed to be an intentionally vulnerable cluster environment to learn and practice Kubernetes security
Passagem do Livro SRE do Google
- Tetragon - eBPF-based Security Observability & Runtime Enforcement - Isovalent
- Databricks SQL on Google Cloud – Now in Public Preview